Wednesday, July 21, 2010

“Nissan Micra” all the way from Japan

Ta-da!! Mirror mirror on the wall, which car is the sexiest and prettiest of all? And there you go with the answer ...... Nissan Micra :) The newly launched car from Nissan Motors has already been acclaimed for its versatile look blended with advanced technology. Starting from the headlamps, tail lamps to the center console that houses the music system and air-con controls are all shaped to be round, the ultimate ultra mode..isn't it? It is the car for signifying 'small family-happy family'. With the six vibrant color ranges available, no doubt driving one will let others turn around and say WOW! This luxurious Eco friendly hatchback small car will surely stand out amongst the other rivals in its segment. Guys! Pamper your beloved ones with Nissan Micra “The queen of the road” and let them ride like a queen.

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